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Life Balance

Feeling overwhelmed Professional woman feeling overwhelmedBlogCareerLife Balance

Feeling overwhelmed

Overwhelm is an overpowering feeling of reluctance or worry often related to responsibilities, self-expectations at work or in your personal life. Since this is of common occurrence, let's discuss why so many women leaders and other people are feeling overwhelmed and how to cope with this feeling. Why do people feel overwhelmed? We live in a world that is excessively…
April 10, 2024
Business travel tips BlogBusinessCareerLife Balance

Business travel tips

As more places continue to open and live events become more common, there will be more business travel as the year goes by.  After being on the road and flying for a while, I can share some tips to help make your business travel less of a hassle.  Book the first flight of the day Usually the first flight of…
July 20, 2022
Summer reading BlogLife Balance

Summer reading

Summer is here and this brings some well-deserved break. The kids are not in school and for most, the hectic routine slows down a bit. Thank goodness for vacation, right? We take time off and spend it with family and friends or even go on a trip. During the summer people are more willing to read books since they are…
June 20, 2017
The Second Half BlogBusinessCareerLife Balance

The Second Half

June is here! Can you believe the first half of the year has passed?  You know what that means, right? A little over six months ago many of you made goals and resolutions for this year. You made the decision to write down a list of things you wanted to accomplish. Were your resolutions to lose weight, run a marathon,…
June 6, 2017
Do you do it all? BlogLife Balance

Do you do it all?

"How do you do it?"  I get asked this question almost on a daily basis. As a female Cardiologist, in solo private practice who is also a wife and mother, I happen to be asked this question a lot by other women in cardiology. Usually, these are younger women still in training who are either thinking about their future career…
February 21, 2017